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De casi ocho hijos a sólo dos en 50 años: así bajó la tasa de fecundidad en Bolivia

Según los datos del Censo de Población y Vivienda, la natalidad en el país descendió a dos hijos por mujer. Los datos revelan que las mujeres procrean a mayor edad y que con la pandemia aumentaron los divorcios.

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Google descubre un caso de violencia sexual infantil en Bolivia

Un reporte de Google de 2023 detectó un caso de explotación sexual infantil en Bolivia. El hecho fue investigado y se aprehendió a un implicado, un joven de 22 años de la ciudad de La Paz, quien habría abusado de familiares menores de edad.

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Bolivia registra más de 30.000 casos de violencia; el 75% se concentra en el eje central

La violencia doméstica y el abuso sexual son los hechos más recurrentes, según datos del Ministerio Público.

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Violencia sexual: pesadillas, aislarse, agresividad y otros son alertas

Entre el 1 de enero y el 24 de junio de este año, el Ministerio Público registró 24.126 casos de violencia en razón de género, un incremento de casi 600 casos más a comparación con 2023.

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Alertan sobre el "marcado incremento" de la violencia sexual contra menores en Bolivia

La Defensoría del Pueblo de Bolivia hizo un llamado este viernes a permanecer en "alerta nacional" ante el "marcado incremento" de los casos de violencia sexual contra niños y adolescentes en el último año.

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Dos leyes vigentes en Bolivia permitieron el matrimonio de 487 niñas y 4.804 adolescentes

Dos leyes vigentes en Bolivia avalan que niñas y adolescentes hasta los 17 años se casen con varones mayores de edad lo que, según denuncias de defensores de derechos humanos, las expone a abusos sexuales, abandono y embarazos no deseados.

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Bolivia registra al menos 28 crímenes de odio, 21 son transfeminicidios

Dos casos tienen sentencia, el resto está impune. El día Mundial de las Diversidades Sexuales y Género encuentra a Bolivia sin muchos avances en el tema de acceso a la justicia para la comunidad LGTBIQ+.

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Ya son 24.000 denuncias de violencia contra la mujer en el primer semestre, denuncia la Casa de la Mujer

Avanza la epidemia de los feminicidios e infanticidios en Bolivia. Ya son 45 mujeres que fueron asesinadas debido a la violencia machista entre enero y junio de este año.

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Bolivia registra 5.291 matrimonios y 458.246 embarazos de menores en los últimos 10 años

Bolivia ha registrado en los últimos 10 años 4.804 matrimonios de adolescentes entre los 16 y 17 años, mientras que las uniones de niñas de 12 a los 15 años suman 487, además de 458.246 embarazos de menores de edad, según el informe 'Sueños Interrumpidos' que ha presentado la Defensoría del Pueblo.

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Bolivia reporta 45 feminicidios y 19 infanticidios en el primer semestre del año

La Fiscalía de Bolivia informó este lunes que en los seis primeros meses de 2024 se reportaron 45 feminicidios y 19 infanticidios, y que en la mayoría de los casos los agresores están en prisión preventiva.

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En Bolivia ascienden a 24.126 los casos de violencia en razón de género

La Directora de la Fiscalía Especializada en Delitos en Razón de Género y Juvenil, Alejandra Rocha, informó este miércoles que de acuerdo al registro de casos ingresados en el Ecosistema Justicia Libre del Ministerio Público, del 01 de enero al 24 de junio en el país se tienen 24.126 casos de Violencia en Razón de Género relacionados a la Ley Integral para Garantizar a las Mujeres una Vida Libre de Violencia.

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Bolivia registra 5.291 matrimonios y 458.246 embarazos de menores en los últimos 10 años

Bolivia registró en los últimos 10 años 4.804 matrimonios de adolescentes entre los 16 y 17 años, mientras que las uniones conyugales de niñas de 12 a los 15 años suman 487, además de 458.246 embarazos de menores de edad, según el informe 'Sueños Interrumpidos' que presentó este martes la Defensoría del Pueblo.

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Alertan que ausencia de enfoque de género afecta derechos a mujeres privadas de libertad

Infraestructura inadecuada, atención de salud insuficiente y falta de acceso a la educación superior, son algunos de los factores que inciden en restar derechos a las privadas de libertad. Esta situación se debe a la falta de un enfoque de género en el sistema penitenciario, señaló la investigadora y abogada Luisa Chipana.

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Feministas en Bolivia alertan de cambios que podrían generar retrocesos en la ley de violencia

Cientos de organizaciones feministas en Bolivia han rechazado unos cambios propuestos por senadores oficialistas a la Ley 348, oficialmente conocida como la Ley para garantizar a las mujeres una vida libre de violencia, con los que se busca, dicen, generar retrocesos en "el derecho de las víctimas de violencia al acceso a la justicia".

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Aborto clandestino, un mal que cobra vida y salud de las mujeres año tras año en Bolivia

Las historias de Adriana y Mercedes son solo dos de los numerosos casos de abortos que se producen diariamente en Bolivia. Estas situaciones representan vidas que se ven truncadas o perjudicadas, enfrentando complicaciones de salud que pueden desembocar en infecciones o incluso en la muerte.

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Bolivia registra 35 feminicidios y 18 infanticidios en lo que va de 2024

El informe actualizado incluye los dos últimos casos de feminicidios, uno ocurrido en el altiplano de La Paz, en el municipio de Achacachi, y otro en Charcas, Chuquisaca.

Our Country

El 99,3 % de los casos de violencia de género quedan impunes en Bolivia

El 99,3 % de los casos de violencia de género quedan en la impunidad en Bolivia por rechazos, abandono o sobreseimiento de las denuncias, según han alertado activistas que se han manifestado contra la reforma a la ley contra la violencia machista planteada por senadores oficialistas que consideran que esa norma es "antihombres".

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Bolivia forma facilitadores de anticoncepción inmediata post evento obstétrico

El país, a través del Ministerio de Salud y Deportes (MSyD), en coordinación con la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS) y una misión oficial del Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología, Salud de la Mujer, y Reproductiva (CLAP/SMR), realizó capacitaciones a facilitadores para promover la estrategia del AIPEO para ampliar y mejorar el acceso a métodos anticonceptivos luego de un parto, cesárea o aborto. La estrategia AIPEO forma parte de las políticas de reducción de la morbi mortalidad materna.

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Personas con VIH y otras vulnerables sufren discriminación en acceso a salud

En 2017 hubo 111 casos en 7 años, en 2018 fueron 5, en 2019 llegaron a 26, en 2020 fueron 9, en 2021 sumaron 22, en 2022 sumaron 21, y en 2023 fueron 11 reportes.

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Consolidan interrupción legal de embarazo en menor de 11 años

Primó la norma a protesta de activistas que intentaban que la menor violada se convierta en madre.

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Denuncian que el 99,3 % de los casos de violencia doméstica quedan impunes en Bolivia

El 99,3 % de los casos de violencia doméstica quedan en la impunidad en Bolivia por rechazos, abandono o sobreseimiento de las denuncias, alertaron este martes activistas que se manifestaron contra la reforma a la ley contra la violencia machista planteada por senadores oficialistas que consideran que esa norma es "antihombres".

Our Country

26 feminicidios y 16 infanticidios se han registrado en Bolivia en lo que va del año

La Paz es el departamento con mayor número de casos de feminicidio e infanticidios.

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Piden cambiar la 348: la usan con falsas denuncias y no paró violencia a la mujer

Luego de 11 años de vigencia de la Ley 348, la normativa se encuentra en el ojo de la tormenta debido a que hay sectores y autoridades que sostienen que esta norma se utiliza de manera dolosa contra los varones, aspecto que es rechazado por considerar que las observaciones vienen de grupos misóginos y machistas. Otro argumento es que, pese a la vigencia de este cuerpo legal, la violencia y los feminicidios se mantienen en niveles elevados.

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Mujeres en Bolivia buscan la legalización del aborto seguro para evitar muertes maternas

Bolivia es el segundo país de Latinoamérica con mayores índices de violencia sexual y embarazos adolescentes.

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Senadora socializa en Noruega el anteproyecto de ley derechos sexuales y derechos reproductivos

La futura norma contempla los siguientes lineamientos generales: a). La planificación y gestión pública y los servicios de salud sexual y salud reproductiva con las políticas de prevención y la atención integral multidisciplinaria.

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En cinco años, registran 109 renuncias por acoso y violencia política en Bolivia

En un contexto político marcado por la intimidación y la violencia, las mujeres en Bolivia están enfrentando desafíos significativos para su participación plena en la vida política del país.

Our Country

An average of 61 teenagers become pregnant every day in Bolivia

Most pregnancies are the result of sexual violence. Women who become mothers at an early age are less likely to be able to study or get a good job.

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Study reveals that one out of every two women suffered physical or sexual violence in Bolivia

One out of every two women and four out of every ten adolescents have suffered physical or sexual violence in their lives in Bolivia, according to a study presented on Thursday that also ratified the low confidence in the questioned judicial system to ensure reparation to the victims of these events.

Our Country

Bolivia sets alarm bells ringing in cases of femicide with increasingly younger victims

Bolivia commemorates International Women's Day with the persistent problem of violence against women and concern about cases of violent deaths with increasingly younger victims, such as the case of Noelia, a teenage human rights activist whose murderers were two minors.

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UN in Bolivia calls for ensuring investment in gender equality policies

The United Nations in Bolivia (UN-Bolivia) called on Friday, International Women's Day, for the country's public and private sectors to invest in policies and programs to "build equality" between men and women.

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Can a batterer be rehabilitated? More than 6,000 men have left the cycle of violence

In one of his first group therapies in the Men of Peace program, Ronald broke down and admitted that he was violent. At first, he showed resistance and even asked: "I'm not crazy, why did they send me here". Day after day, and after listening to the testimonies of 11 other men denounced for domestic violence, he dared to tell the truth and revealed that he had mistreated his wife and children.

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UN condemns feminicide of teenage human rights activist in Bolivia

The United Nations System in Bolivia condemned on Friday the femicide of a 17 year old teenager who was a human rights activist and who a few days ago was found dead and with signs of sexual violence in the Bolivian city of El Alto, neighboring La Paz.

Our Country

Church in Bolivia moves forward with action protocols for the reception of sexual abuse reports

The National Listening Commission of the Bolivian Episcopal Conference, which began operating in June 2023, is advancing in its task of receiving and accompanying possible victims of abuse within the Church, reflects ACI Prensa, a Catholic news portal.

Our Country

Alarming Rate: More than 4,500 inmates in Bolivia are accused of child rape

Of the crimes related to rape (38.4%), rape of children and adolescents is the most common among the country's inmates. Of all inmates, 15.9% perpetrated rape against minors. Drug trafficking and robbery and aggravated robbery are secondary crimes.

Our Country

A campaign against male violence in the Bolivian carnival

Carnival is one of the most important festivities in Bolivia, but it is also, unfortunately, where very worrying figures of violence against women are registered every year, a reality that Pro Mujer and UN Women organizations want to change through the campaign #SinMáscarasSinViolencia (NoMasksWithoutViolence).

Our Country

Legislative keeps the law for femicide orphans frozen, denounced

In May 2023, the Association submitted a bill for the Orphans of Femicide Law to the Chamber of Deputies, and to date there has been no progress.

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January closes with six femicides, 50% less than in the same month in 2023

The crimes against women occurred in Cochabamba, La Paz, Tarija and Potosí. The perpetrators are partners and ex-partners of the victims.

Our Country

Assaulted and forced to sign, political violence against women increases in Bolivia

Threats, aggressions, salary withholding and pressure to sign "shared agreements" are some of the situations experienced by women authorities in Bolivia, a reality that increased in 2023 with 151 cases of harassment and political violence registered.

Our Country

Institutions negotiate law for the care of feminicide orphans

Among the proposals are to provide these children and adolescents with a bonus or economic pension, food, psychological therapy and access to health care, educational units and universities, and scholarships, among others.

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Canadian Minister arrives in Bolivia to launch two new projects focused on strengthening adolescents' sexual and reproductive rights and reducing sexual and gender-based violence

United Nations, civil society organizations and institutions involved in the exercise of sexual and reproductive rights and the prevention of and attention to gender violence. The two projects will receive a grant of approximately 20 million Canadian dollars.

Our Country

Gender violence: Bolivia averages 142 cases per day

In 2023, the Attorney General's Office handled 51,770 complaints of assaults against women.

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At least three trafficking and smuggling cases per day in Bolivia

A partial report from the Attorney General's Office specifies that between January and October of this year, the authorities attended to 1,129 incidents of this type.

Our Country

Seeking to prevent sexual violence in adolescents through social networks

The most vulnerable population of children and adolescents suffer daily a series of violations of their most basic rights. Almost every day the media report infanticides and sexual assaults, and with the passage of time became frequent facts in society, but what to do to stop it, in this area arises the initiative of Ipas Bolivia to inform and prevent through a campaign on social networks.

Our Country

Ipas Bolivia promotes 'Sin peros en la lengua' campaign against sexual violence against young people

In order to reduce the risks of sexual violence against children and adolescents, the non-governmental organization Ipas Bolivia started a digital campaign aimed at this sector. According to the institution, based on data from the Public Prosecutor's Office as of 2023, it is estimated that at least nine children and adolescents are victims of sexual aggression in Bolivia every day.

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Education will not allow cases of violence against students to go unpunished

Minister Pary referred to the recent incidents of sexual violence that occurred in the departments of Potosí, La Paz and Santa Cruz.

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Importance of the application of the "Model of care for victims of sexual violence".

There is still work to be done to ensure that all health personnel are properly trained and to prevent the re-victimization of people who have suffered some form of sexual violence.

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Bolivia doubles the fertility rate among minors in the Americas

In the Americas, the rate is 36.6, while in Bolivia it is 71.0.

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Rejection of law against sexual abuse of minors sparks protests in Bolivia

The bill envisaged making crimes of pederasty imprescriptible and creating a truth commission.

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Less than 50% of women in Bolivia access contraceptives

The United Nations Population Fund analyzed the use of birth control methods among women between 15 and 49 years of age in the world. Bolivia has the least encouraging data.

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In 2022, there were at least 97 teenage pregnancies every day in Bolivia

At least 97 teenage pregnancies are reported every day in Bolivia. That is the revealing data that emerged in 2022, when a total of 35,470 pregnancies were recorded, of which 2,134 cases occurred in children under 15 years of age and 33,336 among young people aged 15 to 19 years.

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Chamber of Deputies rejects bill against sexual abuse of minors

By 44 votes in favor, 54 against and three blank, the Lower House decided to adjourn Thursday's long session of legislators.

Our Country

Mayor of Potosi is sent to preventive prison for sexual abuse allegation

The mayor of Potosi, Jhonny Llally, has been sent to preventive prison for sexual abuse. The Justice determined a 15-day detention.

Our Country

Girls, not mothers': Lía and 247 others faced with termination of pregnancy: a right with obstacles

In Cochabamba, 248 ILEs were performed on girls and adolescents between 10 and 19 years of age in the first seven months of this year. This is equivalent to one every 21 hours. On average, between 15 and 16 pregnancies are reported daily in this age group in the department.

Our Country

Pregnancy of a 12-year-old girl, captured in networks and raped by three men, is terminated

Two of the accused were arrested; the police are still looking for a third person involved. The teenager was two weeks pregnant.

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In five years, the number of sexual violence cases in the country doubles

The number of cases, between January 1 and July 16, reached 5,884.

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Teen marriages: In 12 years, 10,012 females between 13 and 17 married.

Eighty-nine percent of the contracting parties are women and only 11% are men.

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President pledges to strengthen sanction mechanisms to fight violence

In his message, in commemoration of the 198th anniversary of Bolivia's independence, the President urged justice officials not to hinder the application of measures against crimes of violence against women and children.

Our Country

Arrested for raping his nieces; one gave birth and another is pregnant

The accused was captured in Ivirgarzama, where he was hiding from justice. The victims are sisters. The police will investigate his cover-up.

Our Country

More than 800 complaints registered against teachers and school administrators for violence and sexual harassment since 2014

There were 104 dismissals.

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Justice in the face of tragedy: rape victim girl's pregnancy terminated

Paola (name changed) was sexually assaulted by her cousin, who is also a minor. The case was discovered when she had already reached 22 weeks gestation.

Our Country

Forty victims identify four Jesuits for sexual abuse in Bolivia

Three of them are alive, said the lawyer for the victims, who was also a student at the Juan XXIII school where the abuses were allegedly committed.

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Radio Ilimani and IPAS Bolivia receive Senate awards

Senator Virginia Velasco Condori promoted the approval of two chamber declarations for Ipas Bolivia and Radio Illimani, both institutions of the department of La Paz, in recognition of their long history of institutional life and contribution to the development of the region.

Our Country

Legal terminations of pregnancy due to rape: 78% were performed on girls

The non-governmental organization Ipas presented the progress achieved in sexual and reproductive rights issues in Bolivia, as well as the challenges faced in the country in a colloquium for its 25 years of work.

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Bolivia: In the last 12 years, more than 10 thousand women between 13 and 17 years of age have married

Data from Sereci show that between 2010 and 2018, marriages of 13-year-old adolescents were registered. Precisely in 2018, one of them was legally united with a man in La Paz.

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Bolivia exchanges experiences on abortion and underage pregnancy with other countries

Bolivia exchanged experiences on Wednesday with some European and Latin American countries to prevent pregnancies in minors and project a comprehensive law on sexual rights that incorporates measures such as legal abortion.

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In Bolivia, 6 out of 10 women were victims of obstetric violence

According to the Survey on Prevalence and Characteristics of Violence against Women - Bolivia (2016), 40% of these women said that health personnel criticized their behaviors with ironic comments. Forty-five percent recounted that they were criticized for crying or screaming in pain during childbirth.

Our Country

Disabled, non-verbal and used notebook to report rapist

The victim, who has a speech disability, gave a written account of the events. She was admitted to Cochabamba Hospital for symptoms related to a possible miscarriage.

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"He abused her during a wedding party": Subject who raped and impregnated a 13 year old girl is apprehended

The teenager is 9 months pregnant.

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Unfpa: Only 40.5% of pregnant teenagers said they wanted to become mothers

"It must be ensured that all people can make decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health without being subjected to discrimination, coercion or violence," says the entity.

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Church sex abuse: first priest falls amid scandal; he is in FELCV cells

Two other priests were also denounced in Tarija for similar cases.

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Arce sends bill that declares crimes against sexual freedom of children imprescriptible

The Minister of the Presidency, María Nela Prada, informed this Saturday that President Luis Arce has sent to the Legislative Assembly a bill declaring that crimes against sexual freedom of children and adolescents are not subject to statute of limitations and left for legislative debate the retroactive nature of these sexual abuses.

Our Country

The young woman who denounced Governor Quispe: "They offered me money and items to keep quiet".

Quispe said that the accusation is to damage his administration as governor of La Paz.

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Church in Bolivia asks forgiveness for 'Pica' abuses; offers to investigate and demands not to politicize

The case was uncovered over the weekend, thanks to a report from Spain. Today, Wednesday, before the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Óscar Aparicio made a statement.

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Chavez announces investigation on pedophile priest and Cruz asks for jail for those who covered up for him

El País, from Spain, revealed the case with at least 85 child victims.

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Experts and sectors agree on the importance of sexual education

Comprehensive sex education as educational content in the classroom, from kindergarten through sixth grade, is a step forward to reduce violence, prevent early pregnancies and promote life projects of adolescents, agreed experts working in the defense of sexual rights.

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Edson Hurtado: "Being indigenous, LGBTIQ and poor in Bolivia is very difficult".

La Madonna de Sorata by journalist, researcher and documentary filmmaker Edson Hurtado, arrives for the first time in Argentina published by Corazón de Perrx, with a prologue by Chana Mamani (Identidad Marrón) and back cover by Claudia Piñeiro. A necessary book that recovers and weaves part of the memory of the LGBTIQ+ community in Bolivia.

Our Country

So far this year in Bolivia, 3,342 acts of violence against children have been recorded.

Within the framework of Children's Day, the Public Prosecutor's Office carried out informative activities to promote respect for the rights of children and adolescents.

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Standards seek to ensure sexual health and protection of vulnerable persons

The third norm will guarantee the protection of children and adolescents from all types of violence.

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Beatriz vs. El Salvador, a precedent on abortion for Latin America

In a live broadcast from San José, Costa Rica, dozens of people followed the open hearing of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on March 22 in a room at the University of El Salvador in San Salvador, where the court heard testimony from the parties in the case.

Our Country

USA: In Bolivian prisons, men and women share cells, sexual abuse and rape reported

The U.S. State Department published its report on human rights practices in Bolivia in the year 2022 and, among other things, points out that in some of the country's prisons men and women share dormitories, resulting in rape and sexual abuse against women.

Our Country

National forum on sexual health evaluates maternity, abortion and other topics

The National Forum on Sexual and Reproductive Health began yesterday and concludes today in Cochabamba. The National Roundtable on Safe Motherhood and Childbirth (MNMNS) develops the activity and deals with issues related to maternity, abortion and others.

Our Country

Women mobilized for their threatened rights

Thousands of women took to the streets to denounce a global offensive against their rights and to demand an end to discrimination and femicides, which are on the rise in countries such as Mexico and Colombia.

Our Country

Man who raped and impregnated his teenage sister sentenced to 20 years in prison

The Padilla Court ordered a 20-year prison sentence to be served in the Tarabuco jail.

Our Country

Teenager sentenced to 6 years after confessing to infanticide of her infant son

The parents of the victimized newborn were sentenced. The mother, a 16-year-old minor, will serve her sentence in the Cometa Center. The father was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Our Country

In Cotagaita a student was raped by her teacher and is now pregnant

The teacher who sexually abused his student is 52 years old and the teenager is 16 years old. The incident took place in July of last year.

Our Country

The UN requested Bolivia to adopt urgent measures to combat sexual violence and infanticide of girls.

He noted the high incidence of these crimes, which has reached alarming levels. In this regard, he made a series of observations to the State to better protect the rights of children.

Our Country

Teachers march in Bolivia against new "ideologized" curriculum

The urban sectors of teachers in Bolivia marched on Wednesday in several cities of the country against the new curriculum that the government of President Luis Arce intends to implement in this administration and which was described as a way of "ideologizing" children and adolescents.

Our Country

Victims of violence are revictimized at least 18 times

This type of unfavorable conditions leads to anxiety, low self-esteem, sleep difficulties, withdrawal and even attempts on the person's life.

Our Country

Church in Bolivia denounces "perverted curriculum" with gender ideology for children

Fr. Pedro Flores, delegate of the Educational Community of the Local Church (CEIL) of the Vicariate of Beni, in Bolivia, criticized the "perverted curriculum" on Integral Sexual Education presented by the Ministry of Education.

Our Country

New curriculum: Parents deprecate new curriculum for "motivating" the choice of being a boy or a girl

Parents' organization questions the modifications of the new school curriculum in Bolivia.

Our Country

AIDA centers reduce teenage pregnancies by 26.1%.

The Ministry of Health's plan has been implemented since 2013 in eight regions.

Our Country

Cases of gender-based violence rose 9.9% in 2022

Cases of infant, child and adolescent rape increased by an alarming 199.2%.

Our Country

21-year-old woman calls for help and is beaten by rapist's family

The young victim was assaulted by the 25-year-old man, whose relatives left her with 8 days of disability due to the injuries.

Our Country

Oruro registered 1,221 adolescent pregnancies

According to official data from the National Health Information System (SNIS) managed by Sedes Oruro, it was revealed that out of every 1,000 adolescents there are 22 pregnancies and out of every 100, four to five.

Our Country

As of November, there are 825 legal abortions in the country; 45% are derived from rape cases.

Of this figure, 269 were under 15 years of age.

Our Country

According to a study, 32,344 adolescents were married or united before the age of 15 in Bolivia.

The Coordinadora de la Mujer and Save the Children presented the results of the study entitled: Policy and Social Gap Analysis to Address Early and Forced Child Marriages and Unions.

Our Country

Girl suffers sexual abuse, her family leaves the country to take care of her, detective finds perpetrator, sentence handed down, but he remains at large

Adriana (name changed to protect her identity) is a minor with an intellectual disability who lives in fear. When she was 13 years old, she was sexually abused by the owner of the property where she and her family were renting in Sacaba, Cochabamba.

Our Country

HIV and stigma: call for better treatment; 40% of cases are among 15-24 year-olds

According to data from the SEDES HIV/AIDS Program, there are more men than women. On the other hand, out of 163 women, 48 are pregnant.

Our Country

42% of HIV-AIDS cases in Bolivia go untreated

Many drop out of treatment because they must travel to the city to get treatment.

Our Country

Bolivia ranks first in South America in 'acts of femicide'.

UN Women Bolivia begins this Friday the Unite! campaign, with 16 days of activism to counteract violence against women and children, and generate joint actions between the State and civil society.