Our Contribution

In this section, we share with you some of the results from different areas. Ipas's contribution to Bolivian society.  


Bleeding in the First Half of Pregnancy
Por abortos incompletos entre las gestiones 2014 a junio del 2023, contribuyendo así a disminuir las altas tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad materna.
Cases of Legal Termination of Pregnancy (ILE)
Desde la promulgación de la Sentencia Constitucional (SC) 206/2014 hasta junio del 2023, que evitó que las mujeres atendidas mueran por abortos inseguros y clandestinos, y más bien sean atendidas de forma segura en los hospitales.
Women with incomplete abortions and legal terminations of pregnancy
Through appropriate technology recommended by the WHO, such as Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) and Medical Abortion (MA), achieving:
In post-abortion contraception
In health services, this reduced women having a new unintended pregnancy and being able to plan when and how many children they want to have.
Se promueve la anticoncepción post aborto como:

"Práctica de alto impacto"

Community Access

More from
More from
Personas informadas acerca DSDR, violencia sexual y Sentencia Constitucional 0206/2014, logrando no solo informar sino apoyar, orientar y acompañar a víctimas de violencia sexual hasta lograr el cumplimiento de la normativa en sus municipios y contribuyendo al ejercicio de sus derechos, entre el 2021 y 2023.

Some testimonies

"It is good that they train the leaders of the organizations, because in this way we are transmitting information to the population, especially to young women, who are always the most vulnerable...".

Viviana Bautista
Community agent in the municipality of Cobija

"Whenever we give educational talks, the participants ask us if we can coordinate other talks, they always ask us for our cell phone numbers, the girls come to us to ask us for more information...".

Yngrid Ortiz
Community Agent

"Thanks to the information we receive from them (community agents in Riberalta), the women know their rights, they know that they cannot be mistreated or forced to have sex, even if they are their boyfriends....",

President of District II
Municipality of Riberalta.

New Masculinities

Se conformaron 12 redes de masculinidades en diferentes departamentos de Bolivia que reconocen que los hombres son actores importantes para fortalecer el ejercicio y la promoción de DSDR y trabajan en la prevención de violencia contra la mujer.  


Production and broadcasting of the television program SAPIENS, which opens the way to the understanding and reflection of hegemonic masculinities and their deconstruction, with the purpose of contributing to the struggle for equality and the exercise of the DSDR, which is not possible without the full participation of all women and men.


More than 700 students of the Higher Technical School of Police Sciences and 3000 men trained and sensitized in new masculinities, recognize that gender issues must also be worked on by men, intervening in the reproduction of structural violence that is developed by the mandates of masculinity.


Some testimonies

"We have to change our thinking, because men and women have the same rights and we should not be so sexist and domineering. We have to understand women and lead our lives in peace".

José Ballesteros

"I believe that this concept that men should be tough today with this workshop we believe and we must have that condition to change for the good of all mankind".

Grover Tarifa

“Yo creo que masculinidades es una forma de convivencia con las personas, ... La idea es que tengamos una sociedad donde podamos vivir libre de prejuicios libre de estereotipos”

Brayan Plaza


Lawyers Network
A network of lawyers sensitized and trained in strategic litigation in defense of sexual and reproductive rights and SC 0206/2014 was formed.
production of
Supplementary Information
Production of supplementary information to the periodic reports submitted by Bolivia for consideration during the 71st and 78th sessions, respectively, of the United Nations Committees Against Torture (CAT) and CEDAW to support these bodies in making recommendations to the Bolivian state to improve women's access to legal termination of pregnancy.
Publication of the Ombudsman's Report
"Situation of Legal Termination of Pregnancy as a Women's Human Right".
That evidences compliance with the Plurinational Constitutional Ruling 0206/2014 in favor of women's rights to the Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (ILE) and issues recommendations addressed to the different State Bodies to take the appropriate measures.


A line of communication was implemented that summons and involves society, based on reflection, to generate possible changes of attitude from personal questioning and the change of social norms.

4 M
Informed people

4.237.708 personas informadas a través 347 publicaciones en las redes sociales de Ipas Bolivia en un año, contribuyendo a democratizarla información sobre DSDR y derribar los mitos que los rodean.  

117 publications produced and distributed, between 2014 and 2019, with relevant information, scientific research and socialisation of DSDR and sexual violence, contributing to the academic field, civil society organisations and citizens in general.  

Publications produced
and Distributed

Generation of favorable public opinion towards the exercise of Sexual and Reproductive Rights, mainly of women and girls, through the production and dissemination of printed and digital communication materials.